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124–7 24–7
(也作 24/7), adverb
1. (informal, chiefly N. Amer.)twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; all the time
[非正式,主北美] 一周七天,一天二十四小时;每时每刻
 »you can't let things get you down when you're on call 24–7.
23G 3G
1. (of telephone technology) third-generation
• (电话技术)第三代的
34to 4to
for abbreviation
1. quarto
• 同 quarto
44WD 4WD
for abbreviation
1. four-wheel drive
• 同 four-wheel drive
58vo 8vo
for abbreviation
1. octavo
• 同 octavo
6a- a-
[元音前常作 an-] , prefix
1. not ; without
• 表示“不”,“没有”
1. from Greek
1. to ; towards
• 表示“至”,“向”
  in the process of (an activity)
• 表示“在…进行中”
  in a specified state
• 表示“在…状态”
• 表示“在…上”
• 表示“在…中”
1. Old English , unstressed form of on
1. assimilated before sc, sp, and st (as in ascend, aspire and astringent). variant spelling of ad-
• 同 ad- (ad在sc, sp和st前同化为a,如aspire和astringent)
1. of
• 表示“…的”。
2. utterly
• 表示“完全地”
7a a

[元音前用 an] , determiner
1. used when mentioning someone or something for the first time in a text or conversation
[用于第一次提及某人或某事物] 有个,某个,一个。
--› compare the
 »a man came out of the room.
 »it has been an honour to have you.
 »we need people with a knowledge of languages.
  used with units of measurement to mean one such unit
 »a hundred.
 »a quarter of an hour.
  [with negative] one single; any
• 一个,任何一个
 »I simply haven't a thing to wear.
  used when mentioning the name of someone not known to the speaker
[用于提及说话者不认识的人] 某一个
 »a Mr Smith telephoned.
  someone like (the name specified)
[与具体人名连用] 像…的人
 »you're no better than a Hitler.
2. used to indicate membership of a class of people or things
[用于表示某一类人或事物] 一个,一
 »he is a lawyer.
 »this car is a BMW.
3. in, to, or for each; per (used when expressing rates or ratios)
 »typing 60 words a minute.
 »a move to raise petrol prices by 3p a litre.
1. Middle English : weak form of Old English ān 'one'
1. On the question of using a or an before words beginning with h, see usage at an

for abbreviation
  (in travel timetables) arrives
[用于旅行时刻表] arrives
 »Penzance a 0915.
[in combination] (in units of measurement) atto- (10-18)
• (度量单位)。 (同 atto- )
  [Brit] (with reference to sporting fixtures) away
[英] (比赛的安排)。 (同 away )
 »March 15 Sheffield United (a).
  (used before a date) before
• 在…之前(用于日期之前)
for symbol
1. (a)[Physics] acceleration
[物理] 加速度
8-a -a
1. forming
2. ancient or Latinized modern names of animals and plants
3. names of oxides
4. geographical names
5. ancient or Latinized modern feminine forenames
6. nouns from Italian, Portuguese and Spanish
1. representing a Greek, Latin, or Romance feminine singular
1. forming plural nouns
2. from Greek or Latin neuter plurals corresponding to a singular in -um or -on (such as addenda, phenomena)
3. in names (often from modern Latin) of zoological groups
suffix, [informal] [非正式]
1. of
2. have
3. to
1. representing a casual pronunciation
9A A

[亦作a] , (pl. As 或 A's)
1. the first letter of the alphabet
• 英语字母表中第一个字母
  denoting the first in a set of items, categories, sizes, etc
• 甲,A项,A类,A号(一组项目、分类或尺码等的第一位)
  denoting the first of two or more hypothetical people or things
• (假设的第一人或第一例)A,甲
 »suppose A had killed B.
  the highest class of academic mark
• (学业成绩)A等,甲等
  (in the UK) denoting the most important category of road, other than a motorway
• (英国)干线公路(非高速公路)
 »the A34.
 »busy A-roads.
  denoting the highest-earning socio-economic category for marketing purposes, including top management and senior professional personnel
• (为市场营销而划分的社会经济类别中的)最高收入群体(包括高层管理层和高级专业人员)
  (a)[Chess] denoting the first file from the left, as viewed from White's side of the board
[棋] (从执白方左边数过来的)第一列
  [一般作 a] the first constant to appear in an algebraic expression
• (代数表达式中的)第一已知量
  [Geology] denoting the uppermost soil horizon, especially the topsoil
[地质] 表层土壤
  the human blood type (in the ABO system) containing the A antigen and lacking the B
• A型血
  [with numeral] denoting a series of international standard paper sizes each twice the area of the next, as A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, etc., A4 being 210 × 297 mm
• A型号纸(国际标准纸张型号代号,如A0, A1, A2, A3, A4等,每一号的面积是下一号的两倍,A4号纸为210×297毫米)
2. a shape like that of a capital A
• A字形。
--› see A-frame , A-line
 »[in combination] an A-shape.
3. [Music] the sixth note of the diatonic scale of C major. The A above middle C is usually used as the basis for tuning and in modern music has a standard frequency of 440 Hz
[乐] A音,A调(C大调音阶的第六音)
  a key based on a scale with A as its keynote
• A音键
from A to B
1. from one's starting point to one's destination
• 从出发地到目的地
 »most road atlases will get you from A to B.
from A to Z
1. over the entire range; completely
• 从头至尾,完全地

for abbreviation
  ace (used in describing play in bridge and other card games)
[用于描述桥牌或其他纸牌游戏的玩法] ace
 »you cash ♥AK.
  against (heading the column in a table of sports results which shows the goals or points scored against each club)
[在体育项目比分表上表示与每个俱乐部的比分] against
  [informal] A level
[非正式] A level
• 同 ampere amperes
• 同 ångstrom ångstroms
• 同 answer
 »Q: What is a hung parliament? A: One in which no single party has an overall majority.
  (in names of sports clubs) Athletic
[用于体育俱乐部名称中] athletic
 »Dunfermline A.
  Austria (international vehicle registration)
• 同 austria (国际车辆注册用语)
10A1 A1
/ 5ei5wQn /
1. [informal] very good or well; excellent
[非正式] 一流的,极好的
 »guitar, A1 condition.
1. a first-class vessel in Lloyd's Register of Shipping
• (劳埃德船舶年鉴)A1级船(船级最好的船)
11A3 A3
1. [mass noun] a standard European size of paper, 420 × 297 mm
• A3号(欧洲纸张标准,420×297毫米)
 »[as modifier] A3 posters.
  paper of this size
• A3纸
 »a prospectus printed on A3.
12A4 A4
1. [mass noun] a standard European size of paper, 297 × 210 mm
• A4号(欧洲纸张标准,297×210毫米)
 »[as modifier] an A4 page.
  paper of this size
• A4纸
 »several sheets of A4.
13A5 A5
1. [mass noun] a standard European size of paper, 210 × 148 mm
• A5号(欧洲纸张标准,210×148毫米)
 »[as modifier] a little A5 booklet.
  paper of this size
• A5纸
 »printed on A5.
for abbreviation
  Alcoholics Anonymous
• 同 alcoholics anonymous
• 同 anti-aircraft
  (in the UK) Automobile Association
• (英国)汽车协会
15aa aa
/ 5B:B: /
1. [mass noun] [Geology] basaltic lava forming very rough, jagged masses with a light frothy texture
[地质] 块状熔岩。 通常与 pahoehoe 相对
1. mid 19th cent.: from Hawaiian 'a-'a
for abbreviation
  (in the UK) Amateur Athletic Association
• (英国)业余体育协会
  American Automobile Association
• 美国汽车协会
  Australian Automobile Association
• 澳大利亚汽车协会
for abbreviation
1. American Association for the Advancement of Science
• 美国科学促进会
18Aachen Aachen
/ 5B:kEn /
1. an industrial city and spa in western Germany, in North Rhine-Westphalia; pop. 244,440 (1991). French name Aix-la-Chapelle
• 亚琛(德国西部工业城市,游览胜地,地处北莱茵河威斯特伐利亚州,1991年人口244,440。 法语名艾克斯拉沙佩勒)
for abbreviation
1. analogue analogue digital, indicating that a musical recording was made and mastered in analogue form before being stored digitally
• 模拟式音乐母盘
20Aalborg Aalborg
/ 5C:lbC:ɡ /
(也作 Ålborg)
1. an industrial city and port in north Jutland, Denmark; pop. 155,000 (1991)
• 奥尔堡(丹麦日德兰半岛北部工业及港口城市,1991年人口155,000)





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